Current research

Type 2 diabetes has become the biggest public health challenge of the 21st century with recent reports suggesting that we are eating ourselves into a diabetes epidemic. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by two major metabolic abnormalities: peripheral insulin résistance (liver, muscles and fat) and a deficit in insulin secretion (beta cells). Although we do not understand precisely interactions between these abnormalities, the final evolution towards hyperglycemia results from the incapacity of beta-cells to produce enough insulin to compensate peripheral insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance, which characterizes type 2 diabetes and obesity, is the consequence of the inhibition of insulin to act on its target tissues. It is clearly established that an increase in lipid content within peripheral tissues is responsible for the insulin resistance state by inducing the accumulation of intracellular signaling molecules that interfere with the insulin signalling pathway. Although lipotoxicity is often correlated with an increase in intracellular lipids, it is now well documented that lipid-derived metabolites are actually involved. In skeletal muscle, ceramide that is produced from palmitate is a key factor responsible for the onset of insulin resistance induced by lipid overload. Studies showed a positive correlation between the increase in muscle ceramide and a loss in insulin sensitivity. The importance of the deleterious action of ceramide was established in several recent studies that showed that pharmacological or genetic inhibition of the ceramide biosynthesis pathway restores insulin sensitivity in high-fat diet-fed animals. 

Among the most original results, we highlighted (i) the role of the protein kinase Akt in transducing the insulin signal to glucose transporters in muscle cells, (ii) the harmful mechanisms of action of ceramides on the insulin signaling pathway in muscle and adipose cells (iii) a potential new target for the treatment of insulin resistance, the ceramide transporter CERT. These studies have been published in leading international journals in the field of metabolic regulation (Diabetes, Diabetologia, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Biochemical Journal).

In addition, wishing to extend our cellular studies in humans, we  established collaborations with  clinicians of the laboratory of the Pitié Salpêtrière hospital, but also with the Institute of Myology (Hôpital La Pitié Salpêtrière). These collaborations allowed to confirm in humans the data obtained in animals.

At present, the main interest of my group is to understand how sphingolipids interfere with insulin signaling in skeletal muscle cells in vivo and in vitro in animal models and in humans. 

Using both lipidomic and cellular techniques, as well as experimental models (transgenic mice), the objective of my current research projects will to counteract the deleterious effects of ceramide by highlighting new targets in the sphingolipid biosynthesis pathway.